Red Wines...

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (also known as ancient Mesopotamia), some clever folks stumbled upon the magical process of fermenting grapes. Legend has it that they accidentally left some grapes out in the sun for a tad too long, and voila – red wine was born! It was probably a happy accident, much like discovering that last slice of pizza in the fridge at 2 AM.

Fast forward a bit to ancient Greece and Rome, where red wine was practically a food group. It flowed like water at raucous bacchanals and lavish feasts, fueling philosophical debates and questionable dance moves alike. It was a time when wine wasn’t just a beverage – it was a way of life.  I personally think we need to bring that back a bit.  Don’t you?

As the centuries rolled on, red wine became more than just a drink – it was a status symbol, a mark of sophistication, and occasionally, a weapon of choice for settling disputes (looking at you, French Revolution). It traveled the globe, making pit stops in vineyards from Bordeaux to Napa Valley, leaving a trail of tipsy revelers and stained tablecloths in its wake.

Today, red wine continues to hold a special place in our hearts (and our wine racks). Whether you’re a fan of full-bodied Cabernets, fruity Merlots, or the occasional box of “Two-Buck Chuck” (no judgment here), there’s a red wine for every palate and every occasion.

Reds in Review…

Allow me to introduce you to some fabulous red wines that you can purchase right now! Don't forget! Wine Society Members save 20% on all our wines.

Are you ready to celebrate enjoy live a Wine Life?

I am proud to be an Independent Ambassador to the Boisset Collection. If you are not familiar with the name, I’d be happy to introduce you…

Wine Society members receive wine shipments of 3, 6 or 12 bottles at special pricing conveniently delivered every three months, as well as shipping discounts, wine concierge services from me, your dedicated Ambassador and more membership perks! Best of all, your selections are 100% customizable from our full range of highly-rated limited-production wines. With as few as 3 bottles of wine every three months and so many benefits and perks, it’s just silly not to join.

Wine Society

Boisset Wine Society is our most flexible membership option, allowing members to get a taste of our family-owned collection of more than 25 historical wineries in France and California rooted in the world’s most prestigious terroirs and focusing on fine wines.

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