
A native Southern Californian, Mell Corcoran was born into a stereotypically tight-knit Irish-American family, many of them in law enforcement. This, along with her own decade-plus working in the legal profession, fostered a unique perspective for her early works as a mystery/thriller writer.

As needs must, Mell’s reinvention of herself throughout the years has enabled her to cope with whatever life has thrown at her. A self-professed Serial Learner, her broad range of education has fostered her multifaceted skillset and unique sense of humor. Her shift, pivot, adapt, and conquer attitude continues to forge her personal growth, moral compass, and passion for living your best life wherever you are, no matter your personal or financial circumstances.

An eccentric, inappropriate, politically incorrect, highly opinionated chick on a post-pandemic, mid-midlife crisis mission. This is her unapologetic journey to spread hope and inspiration, cultivating joy through the discovery and education of food, wine & finding silly wherever she can get it.

Let’s eat, drink & be merry!  It’s as simple as that.


Food is life and wine is a trip around the wold in a glass.  What could be more fabulous than that?

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